Stories Matter: Fashion Show Fundraiser

We are looking for brand ambassadors and sponsors for our Stories Matter Fashion Show on 9/25!

Small Sums firmly believes that no one should ever have to decline a job offer because they lack the means to afford essential work gear, tools, or training. Yet, sadly, the harsh realities of homelessness force many in our community to pass up opportunities for this very reason.

We’re thrilled to offer you an immediate and impactful opportunity to partner with Small Sums. We're gearing up for our inaugural Stories Matter: Fashion Show fundraiser this fall, and your involvement could make a significant difference.

This event is not just another fundraiser—it's a lifeline for workers experiencing homelessness. It aims to raise critical funds to support these individuals and highlight the indispensable work we do to ensure they are equipped and ready for employment opportunities. What sets this event apart is that the runway will feature real workers we've assisted, adorned in the finest work gear available.

Here's where your expertise and generosity come into play. We're inviting you to outfit one or two workers in your gear. These individuals will proudly strut the runway in your apparel, showcasing the unparalleled quality and functionality of your products while sharing their inspiring personal success stories.

Moreover, we offer sponsorship packages that provide you with a unique opportunity to showcase your brand and demonstrate the positive impact you're making in our community.


Andrea Kish-Bailey, Executive Director

(651) 242-9441

Coming soon
event banner
September 25, 2024
6:00pm - 9:00pm